Showing posts with label nc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nc. Show all posts

One to One


 With salesforce's migration to flow they've introduced the Migrate to Flow feature. This feature will allow you to migrate a single workflow rule or process to a single flow. This is prefect if you only have one piece of automation to migrate to flow.

    However it's rare that you only created one piece of automation for say the Account object. Manual configuration is the best way to address this migration. Think of it as an opportunity to evaluate your automation and optimize it. 

    If you have a dozen workflow rules on one object, migrating these with migrate to flow will yield a dozen flows. That's a dozen pieces of automation to evaluate each time the record is created or saved. Ideally you would like your records to save as quickly as possible to avoid CPU timeouts. 

    Now with flow you have the ability to combine those 12 workflow rules into 1 flow with 12 decision outcomes. So instead of starting and evaluating 12 rules it starts 1 flow and executes the decision that evaluates to TRUE. This optimization minimizes save times for records and improves the end user experience. 

Certified Associate

Have you been meaning to get Salesforce certified but are a little overwhelmed with the technical aspects?

Salesforce has a certification designed for users with 0-6 months of experience. The Salesforce Certified Associate Exam tests the knowledge of users with a basic working knowledge of the platform. 

The beauty of the platform has always been a little or a lot design. You can utilize a little or a lot of the functionality. That’s exactly what this exam covers, a little functionality. 

You can learn more about the exam on the Salesforce Certified Associate Exam Guide page. There’s also a trail mix to help you study for the exam Prepare for your Salesforce Certified Associate Credential. 

Whether you’re an end user or an aspiring admin, The Certified Salesforce Associate exam is a great way for new users to sharpen their skills. 

My Salesforce Journey

        It was late December 2019 when I joined the Salesforce ecosystem. My current job as a fine wine sales consultant required long hours and seven day workweeks. This was taking me away from my family and friends and I began looking for a new career path, one that afforded me a better quality of life. 

        My job search began like many; check the job listings at the area’s top companies. Many of the postings I read contained one sentence that stuck with me. “Must have Salesforce Experience.” A quick google search answered my question, “what is salesforce?”

Over the holidays I was discussing salesforce with one of our friends and the cost of local salesforce training programs. “You should just get on trailhead,” he replied. Our friend had built his company’s website on Salesforce and recommended trailhead for training. 

I downloaded the app on my phone and completed the first ‘introduction’ trail in a few minutes. My entry into the ecosystem was complete and I fell in love! This was the most intuitive CRM, software I had ever encountered. 

Since my days in journalism I embraced digital solutions. As a multimedia journalist I championed digital storytelling as well as new ways to gather and deliver news I discovered Salesforce at a time I was restarting my digital media company. My dilemma was this; do I spend my time learning new multimedia solutions for an ultra-competitive ecosystem with shrinking opportunities or do I learn what is considered one of the top skills among hiring companies? Given the number of opportunities in the Salesforce ecosystem, the decision was simple. 

Over the next 2 months I worked on trailhead in my spare time. I tried to spend at least an hour a day on trailhead. In March of 2020 I went into quarantine with the rest of the world.

At this time my livelihood depended on selling fine wine to and hosting events at restaurants and bars. The pandemic left me with no customers to sell to. Two weeks later, along with the entire on-premise staff for the company I was furloughed. 

At this point I’ve lived through two “once in a lifetime” recessions and four layoffs. So this was nothing new. Was I stressed about this sudden change? Yes, but I saw an opportunity I’ve never had before, time. 

        I spent twice as much time on trailhead. The minute kids were done with schoolwork, I started on trailhead for two plus hours a day. I focused more on learning and less on job hunting. With a recommendation from a family friend in May 2020 I got my first Salesforce job. On June 1st 2020 I began my Salesforce career and have loved every minute of it!